Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 3.1
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 3.2
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 3.2.4
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 3.2.6
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 2.0
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 2.0.1
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 2.3
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Difference between Android 1.1 and Android 2.3.5
1. Android 1.1 : Android 1.1 is the second version of Android which was introduced by Google after Android 1.0. It had all the features that were included in the previous version i.e. Android 1.0 and also some more features were added in this version. Some features were added in caller applications like hiding and showing of the numeric keyboard. The feature for saving MMS attachments was also added in this version. It also does not have the official version name like Android 1.0 but unofficially it is called Banana Bread. The API level in Android 1.1 is 2. It was released on 9 February 2009....
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Mechanism for building Distributed file system
Distributed Systems are the systems that make a single system image to users of the networks. The failure of one system in the network will not be coming to the picture of all other uses. Here, all the systems act in a dual role such as both client as well as server....
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Swift – Integer, Floating-Point Numbers
Integers are whole numbers that can be negative, zero, or positive and cannot have a fractional component. In programming, zero and positive integers are termed as “unsigned”, and the negative ones are “signed”. Swift provides these two categories in the form of 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit and 64-bit format. The integers in Swift follow a naming convention similar to C, i.e., a signed 16-bit integer is of type “Int16”, and an unsigned 8-bit integer is of type “UInt8”....
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Points to remember for Database design Interview
In this article, we are going to discuss some frequently asked questions related to database design in an interview. Here, we will discuss some points to keep it in mind while facing a database design interview....
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Difference between Process and Thread
Process: Processes are basically the programs that are dispatched from the ready state and are scheduled in the CPU for execution. PCB(Process Control Block) holds the concept of process. A process can create other processes which are known as Child Processes. The process takes more time to terminate and it is isolated means it does not share the memory with any other process....
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